Shepard’s Pie #2 (Easy)

All contents of this resource were created for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, dietitian, therapist, or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have.

To make an easy Shepard’s Pie follow these easy steps:

  • 1 package Barbara’s Potato flakes (includes CF milk substitute and replacement butter per directions)
  • 2 lbs. ground beef
  • ½ cup frozen peas
  • ½ cup frozen corn
  • Salt & pepper

Brown the ground with salt and pepper to taste –drain extra fat.  Prepare Barbara’s Potato flakes per stove top recipe.

Layer into a glass rectangle pan 1 to 1 ½” of the cooked Barbara’s Potato flakes. For the next layer spoon into the pan 1 to 1 ½” of the cooked beef the frozen peas and corn.  The last layer is the balance of the cooked Barbara’s Potato flakes. Cook at 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes until top layer of the potatoes are golden brown.

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