Hope & Help for Autismfacebook group
A great place to find resources, support, help, and hope
TACA’s private Facebook Group (TACA – Help and Hope for Autism) is a well-moderated group for parents or guardians of individuals with autism.
This large, private national group allows parents to ask questions anytime. Resources are shared across the spectrum of ability and age to support a community as we move through the autism journey.

why join this group?
- Members can ask any questions that pertain to autism.
- The group is live 24/7
- Moderators work to provide TACA resources in response to questions so you can learn more.
- Be part of a 20,000+ community of autism parents sharing their personal experiences.
- All posts are questions to maintain a hopeful tone and offer possible solutions.
- This group houses a list of parent-recommended functional medicine doctors organized by state.

what can i expect from this group?
- Private settings so no one outside the group can see your questions and comments.
- A friendly forum where you read and ask questions in your own time.
- A place where moderators lead with kindness.
- Convenient search tool for answers to past questions.
- Posts are approved by moderators so there is no spam.
- Questions and easy-to-follow conversations on important topics.
- Active group with numerous posts daily.
- Files with additional information.
- And more!
Join us in TACA’s Hope and Help Facebook Group for incredible support, hope, and help in navigating your autism journey.

requirements to join
TACA screens all incoming members to verify they are parents or guardians of a person diagnosed with autism. If we cannot tell you are a parent from your Facebook profile, we will email you requesting further verification. Please check your junk/spam email folder. This is done to protect the privacy of the members and prevent spam.
Your information provided will be entered into the TACA database so we can send you personalized monthly e-news which contains information about TACA resources, TACA scholarships, TACA events, and more!
The Facebook group has answered so many questions and the moderators are great. Everyone is friendly. We recently received the scholarship and are planning on using it in March!
I’m very thankful to have met so many strong mamas this morning. I feel relieved having found TACA as a resource.
This 2022, William has accomplished so much! We are still working on so many issues but I wanted to thank TACA for all the support not only the advise from this group, also for my mentors, and also we got a TACA Grant in 2022. It helped me to make possible to see for the first time a functional medicine doctor. We have so much to do before we get where we need to be for WIlliam, we have many changes this year but we keep trying no matter the struggles. Thank you TACA.
Started OT, PT, ABA, diets, biomed and ABA when my daughter was 4.5-5 years old. She is 9.5 years old now. Discharged from OT several months ago, will be discharged from ABA next month. Independent at school, church, and Girl Scouts. We are still working on ADD symptoms, some sensory issues but most of ASD symptoms are resolved. I can’t thank TACA and my mentor moms enough for their help when we started this healing journey for their help and hope.
I must want to come back here and say this information was super helpful. Thank you TACA!
I have to share this with you guys! My husband Facetime’d me from work ust now, and I said to my 3YO ASD kiddo, “Ok Jack, daddy’s gotta go back to work, say bye-bye daddy. I love you.” Jack looked at my husband and said, “wowe eww daddy.” My husband said “by Jack, I love you.
We were just mind blown of course. He was non verbal up until this past autumn and has slowly been using words functionally since January. I truly love this community, all the advice, and wisdom you guys share. I fully believe he wouldn’t be where he is today without the help of this group.