Newly Diagnosed Articles
Managing a household requires more thought and planning when you have a child with autism. This section explores those additional needs with information related to safety, holidays, family relationships, budget and estate planning.

When your child is receives an autism diagnosis, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. As you begin your journey, be patient with yourself. You don't have to know or do everything today. Take things one step at a time, knowing that, little by little, a little becomes a lot.
new autism diagnosis checklist
Download this free interactive PDF Checklist with links to information that will help you:
- Access services and supports that can improve your child's outcome and quality of life
- Learn how to better advocate for your child
- Connect you to a positive community of families, like yours, for support
newly diagnosed
autism seminar
The TACA Newly Diagnosed Seminar provides a comprehensive overview of all things on the autism journey.
Child Newly Diagnosed with Autism
When your child is newly diagnosed with autism, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. To help you navigate the first…
I Think My Child May Have Autism: How to Get a Diagnosis
If you think your child has autism or your child is showing signs or symptoms of autism, it is important to…
Diagnostic Criteria for ASD
Only a well-qualified, trained medical professional can issue an autism diagnosis. When determining whether or not a person has autism,…
The Fundamentals of Special Education: What Parents Need to Know
In this article, Timothy A. Adams, Esq discusses what parents need to know about the fundamentals of special education so…
Special Education: IEP Tips
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the foundation of your child’s education. Many parents feel overwhelmed and anxious about these…
The goals on your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) lay the framework for their education, but what makes a good…
Therapeutic Interventions for Autism
Therapeutic interventions can help your child learn and develop skills that lead to independence. The most common therapeutic interventions for autism…
How to Document Your Child’s Progress
Your child works hard every day at school, therapy, and home. However, progress can be hard to see on a…
Sensory Processing Disorder in Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and communication. A significant…
Therapeutic and Communication Options for Speech Issues in Autism
Providing your child with an effective means to communicate their thoughts, opinions, experiences, feelings, and knowledge is essential to creating…
An Introduction to Medical Interventions for Autism
Medical interventions for autism can greatly improve your child’s outcome and quality of life. In this article, we will discuss: Why…
Finding a Doctor
Finding a qualified and experienced doctor, though challenging, can make all the difference in your child’s health and future. Therefore,…
Lab Testing for Common Co-occurring Medical Issues in Autism
Lab testing is important because it helps doctors identify underlying medical issues as well as determine the best course for…
Introduction to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Soy-Free Diet
The gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free (GFCFSF) diet removes all sources of gluten, casein, and soy from the diet. The word “diet”…
Top Reasons to Implement a GFCF Diet
Why does my child need a Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet? There are several reasons why parents should consider a gluten-free, casein-free…
Home Life
Risk Reduction Strategies for Physical and Sexual Abuse
Sadly, individuals with autism are more vulnerable to abuse due to challenges in communication, poor social awareness, and being viewed…
Autism and Bullying
Most parents worry about their child being bullied. While statistics vary across research studies, people with autism are undoubtedly victims of…
Sleep Issues in ASD
Studies show that 53% percent of children with autism have at least one frequent sleep problem. Unfortunately, typical treatments are often short-lived…
Hope and Autism Parenting
As families coping with an autism diagnosis, our journey is fueled by education, support, and hope. Often as parents, we…
Strategies for a Calmer Home
There are numerous strategies that autism parents can incorporate into their home life that will make life easier and calmer….
Common Acronyms Used in Autism
Navigating autism can be filled with unknown acronyms. The following is a collection of some common acronyms and abbreviations used…
Autism Treatment on a Budget
We understand that treating autism is extremely expensive. In this article, we will cover budget-friendly tips to treat autism. This…
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Virtual Support & Education Events
TACA offers monthly virtual parent support and family panel meetings where parents can connect with other autism parents...
Mentor Program
For more individualized support, parents can be matched with an experienced and supported TACA Parent Mentor to help...
Hope & Help for Autism Facebook Group
Hope & Help for Autismfacebook group A great place to find resources, support, help, and hope TACA’s private Facebook Group…
Monthly Learning Series
Discover TACA Through Each Month’s Focus At TACA, we believe in providing comprehensive support and education to families touched by…
TACA provides in-depth, comprehensive information and resources to help parents navigate all aspects of the autism...
Communities & Family Events
TACA chapters across the US hold meetings, autism learning seminars, coffee talks, and family events...
Annually, TACA hosts a parent conference featuring expert speakers from across the United States. Presentations focus...
TACA provides national or regional scholarships as funding is available to assist in financing functional medicine doctors...
Southern California Outreach
TACA’s national headquarters office is located in Irvine, California, and has the capacity to provide extended in-person resources...