
Achievements, Challenges, and New Adventures


Gold glitter border with sparkles. Abstract shiny bright background. Template for holiday designs. Vector illustration

All contents of this resource were created for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have.

Connor passed Álgebra 1 without ever taking pre-Algebra. He joined the local swim team and participated in 3 events (100-yard freestyle, and 100 and 200-yard breaststroke), in 3 meets in South Florida. Connor started taking guitar lessons and participated in his first concert a week ago. Connor selected Art 2D and 3D as electives at school, even though that has always been his least favorite subject, and he can now make beautiful art. Connor started taking skateboarding lessons too. Connor joined 4 clubs at school: chess, C.A.T., Mental Health Wellness, and Best Buddies. Connor registered to foster dogs at our local animal shelter and fostered a Cane Corso, one of the most difficult breeds because of their bullying tendencies. Connor does his laundry and cleans his room. Connor does all of his school assignments independently.

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