
Benjamin Bequer

Today, Mr. Bequer enjoys devoting most of his time and energy into a venture he co-founded with his wife Azrya Cohen Bequer called THE FFY PROCESS, which designs high-end, immersive transformational experiences and coaching packages for highly successful and influential clients who are ready to radically up-level in all areas of their personal and professional lives, by building more purpose into their future. Mr. & Mrs. Bequer are supported by a curated team of highly skilled facilitators with a wide repertoire of healing modalities, ranging from shamanic plant medicine traditions to cutting edge business strategy.

Mr. Bequer also currently oversees his family office. He utilizes a lifetime of strategic business expertise to identify and accelerate purpose-driven entrepreneurs and organizations, by mentoring and investing in their visions. He is actively sharing his blessings through purposeful work and venture philanthropy.

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