
Julia Berle

Julia is an experienced non-profit leader, a nationally certified interpreter for the deaf, and is married with three children. Since the time of her oldest son’s diagnosis with autism in 2002, Julia has been working tirelessly in the fight to recover her son and other children from autism. After her son lost the diagnosis of autism in 2005, Julia helped to establish and work for two non-profit organizations to inform, educate and support families who have a child or children with this diagnosis. She is the founding coordinator for the greater Los Angeles, California chapter of TACA, an organization that helps more than 45,000 families nationwide. The mission of this organization is to provide emotional and informational support to parents of children with autism. TACA also provides tools that can be used to help and support these children and their families. Julia also served as a TACA mentor and was once honored as the top, single-person fundraiser nationwide for this organization. Julia is an international speaker on the subject of autism and has appeared in a variety of media outlets on the local, national and international levels. She is also a Parent Founder for the organization Generation Rescue, a non-profit group focused on funding and researching the cause(s) and biomedical recovery options for autism.

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