Arturo Cazares
Arturo Cazares is the Associate Director of Employment Services at the Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC). RCOC is one of 21 regional centers contracted through the state of California to provide services and supports to persons diagnosed with developmental disabilities. Arturo has been employed by RCOC for over 16 years, and has also held the positions of Service Coordinator, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Area Supervisor, and Employment and Day Services Manager prior to his current position. Arturo is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of adult day services, including employment services, providing community integration, vocational training, and employment skills development. This includes ensuring that services and supports provided comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule, and that employment services provided are consistent with the State of California’s Employment First Policy. He has also been an instrumental steering committee member for the Orange County Local Partnership Agreement, the first in the state, developed in response to the California CIE Blueprint for Change. Under Arturo’s leadership, multiple Project SEARCH programs have been developed in Orange County, providing young adults with unique employment training opportunities leading to competitive integrated employment. Arturo received a BA in Psychology from CSU, Long Beach, where he is currently a candidate for a Masters of Public Administration.