
David Isaacman

David’s journey navigating autism began when he was diagnosed at 3 years old. He is part of a set of triplets and when he wasn’t speaking like his two sisters were, his parents brought him in for an evaluation. They were advised to assess him for autism. At 4 he was enrolled in the Lovaas program at UCLA and had many years of speech and occupational therapy. David has become the man that he is today through many years of receiving these services and lots of hard work. He graduated high school in 2014 and went on to get employed with Beverly Hills City Hall’s HR department where he is celebrating his 6th work anniversary. After work, he enjoys being a member of the award winning Miracle Project where he loves to sing and perform. His first appearance on Netflix was in the show Atypical and later in the Emmy award winning series Love on the Spectrum U.S., which is where he met his beautiful girlfriend Abbey. He also enjoys being an influencer, in which he loves sharing with his followers snippets of his everyday life and his passions which include: his synesthesia (seeing numbers as colors), his passion for wildlife (especially the African animals), and more.

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