
Devin Houston, PhD

Dr. Houston obtained a B.A. degree in Biology from Hendrix College in 1979. He then was awarded a B.S. degree in Medical Science in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1987.

Dr. Houston’s graduate work focused on how the aging process affected certain enzyme systems.

Following the defense of his thesis work, Dr. Houston accepted a post-doctoral position at the University of Virginia where he became involved in several fields of research, including ligand-receptor interactions of the adenosine receptor, diabetes, and mechanisms of how cells respond to environmental signals. Dr. Houston’s work was funded by the American Heart Association.

In 1990, Dr. Houston accepted a position at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. While there, he obtained the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology. His research focus was on characterizing the cannabinoid (marihuana) receptor as a possible model for Alzheimer’s research. Dr. Houston’s work was funded by several grants from the National Institutes of Health. He published several peer-reviewed papers, as well as presenting his finding at several symposia.

In 1997, Dr. Houston left academia for industry, and accepted a position as Manager of Research and Development at National Enzyme Company. While there, he upgraded the existing lab and instituted more advanced methods of analysis. Instrumental in new product development, he is the formulator and inventor of SerenAid(tm), which started the interest in using enzymes to counter certain food intolerances. In March of 2000, Dr. Houston left National Enzyme and became a scientific consultant to the dietary supplement industry prior to founding Houston Nutraceuticals, Inc., doing business as Houston Enzymes. Since then, he has formulated second- and third-generation enzyme products that address many digestive issues.

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