Gabriella True
Gabriella True is the President of ASPIRE, Alliance to Solve PANS & Immune-Related Encephalopathies. She has been a leader in the PANS and autism communities since 2008. She continues to be an instrumental part of the Connecticut PANS PANDAS Partnership (CTPPP), a Connecticut based support and awareness group. As part of New England PANS/PANDAS Association (NEPANS), Gabriella held many roles, including President, 2015-2018. While at NEPANS, her focus was on creating tools to spread awareness and understanding throughout the community, support parents, educate schools and school nurses, and host two conferences. She sat on the PANDAS/PANS Advisory Council to the Department of Health for Connecticut. In addition to her work in the PANS community, Gabriella is also The Autism Community in Action (TACA) Connecticut Chapter Coordinator and has volunteered for them for ten years. Gabriella is a parent to two children with PANS, one who also has autism. Gabriella has a Bachelor of Art in Art History and has worked as a merchandise planner at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Saks Fifth Avenue. She is excited to be a part of ASPIRE, focusing on collaborating with other PANS Community leaders.