Meredith Brand, CCC-SLP, COM
Meredith White is a speech-language pathologist as well as special needs mother to children with autism and other learning challenges. She is recognized by “Apraxia Kids” for Advanced Training and Expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech and is certified in Orofacial Myology (COM) by the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM). Meredith serves as Coordinator for the Atlanta Walk for Apraxia of Speech, she regularly guest lectures for Georgia State University graduate students on the topic of pediatric motor speech disorders, and she presents at the Georgia Speech-Language Hearing Association’s annual convention on topics such as Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Tongue-Tie. Meredith also provides in-services to educate fellow SLPs in Atlanta area school districts on the topic of childhood apraxia of speech.