Mo Langley
Mo Langley, Founder and Director of Sandy Feet Initiative, is a certified Sibshops Facilitator since 2017. Mo recognized the needs of the neurotypical siblings while volunteering for surfing related programs for the special needs community. Once she “saw” the siblings, she could not get them out of her head. Even though the siblings were invited to participate in the events, the focus was on their sibling with special needs. Mo realized the siblings had needs of their own to be met, so she created Sandy Feet Initiative, and hosts year round beach based recreational activities for the siblings of children with needs, ages 18 and up. Mo is also a board member of the California Sibling Leadership Network as well as the Community Advisory Committee of the Capistrano Valley School District. She was also recognized for her work by Orange County Supervisor, Katrina Foley, State Senator, Janet Ngyuen and the LA Times B2B!