
Category: Resource

Post-Pandemic Navigation

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19, a Pandemic. And just like that…. the world changed….

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Special Diets for Autism

Diet is the foundation of good health. In addition, not all kids respond the same way to dietary interventions. Therefore,…

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Presuming Competence in Autism

Presuming competence means valuing all people, including those with autism, as whole individuals with the right to express their thoughts,…

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Autism – More Than Genetics

Genetics is a complex science that is constantly evolving. Researchers continue to study the relationship between genetics and autism spectrum…

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Getting Kids to Take Vitamins and Medication

Kids with autism can be the pickiest eaters on the planet. As a result, this pickiness contributes to their vitamin and…

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Mast Cells and Autism

A mast cell is a type of white blood cell that is found in connective tissues all over the body,…

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Do Parents Need Therapy Too?

As parents, we tend to neglect ourselves when raising our children.  Healing ourselves, however, is one of the most important pieces…

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Common Acronyms Used in Autism

Navigating autism can be filled with unknown acronyms. The following is a collection of some common acronyms and abbreviations used…

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Healthy Eating Tips for Teens and Adults with Autism

Everyone knows that a nutritious diet is key to being healthy. But how do we get our teens and adults…

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Strategies for a Calmer Home

There are numerous strategies that autism parents can incorporate into their home life that will make life easier and calmer….

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