Cherie Francis-Boegeman, OT/L
Cherie has been an occupational therapist for over 30 years in a variety of settings. Twenty of those years have been specializing in pediatrics. Cherie was a rehabilitation manager at Children’s Hospital of Orange County for 7 years. When productivity demands moved her into carrying a caseload, her original passion for sensory integrative therapeutic intervention was re-ignited.
Cherie pursued her Sensory Integrative and Praxis Test certification (The Gold Standard for Sensory Integrative Therapy) and opened the LaunchPad Therapy for Kids with Barbara McCrory. Cherie recently assumed full ownership of the LaunchPad which is enjoying its 10th year of exceptional service and reputation. She is grateful Barb remains on staff as a contract therapist as Barb divides her time with her new grandson and family.
In addition to being SIPT certified. Cherie is certified in Neurodevelopmental Treatment and has had extensive training in Masgutova Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration. The LaunchPad is a field testing site for the EASI (Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® the next generation of the SIPT). She works closely with local school districts and private schools to support clients in being successful in the classroom.
Cherie loves sensory integration and identifies well with her clients. She grew up a “Rambunctious” child and though undiagnosed at the time most likely had sensory integrative issues. She considers herself as a child not “Bad” but rather “Misunderstood”. She has a huge heart for the tricky kids and enjoys analyzing test results to figure out each child in order to help them “Soar” in their occupational roles of family member, student and playmate.