
Category: Education for Autism Checklist – Public School Special Education Service


When it comes to navigating the world, the importance of self-advocacy cannot be overstated. This crucial ability can be the…

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Ensuring successful employment for individuals with autism often requires an integrated approach involving the individual, their employer, and the community….

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College and Post-Secondary Education

Choosing to attend college and finding the best college can be hard for everyone. For students with autism, it’s important…

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When it comes to housing options for adults with autism, there is a wide range of choices available. Each individual…

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Vocational Rehabilitation

When it comes to autism and employment, the obstacles are quite apparent. For many individuals with autism, getting a job…

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Autism and Bullying

Most parents worry about their child being bullied. While statistics vary across research studies, people with autism are undoubtedly victims of…

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Homeschooling Your Child with Autism

More parents of children with autism are opting to homeschool for a variety of reasons. In this article, you will…

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Job Skills

Working gives people the opportunity to show their abilities, take pride in their accomplishments, and contribute to the community. While…

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Executive Functioning Skills

Executive function is an umbrella term used to describe a set of cognitive skills we use to successfully navigate everyday…

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Life Skills

Functional life skills are the everyday tasks we all need to lead independent lives. Mastering these skills builds self-esteem and…

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