Extensive Information at Your Fingertips
TACA provides in-depth, comprehensive information and resources to help parents navigate all aspects of the autism journey, including obtaining a diagnosis, developing skills, medical issues, special education/IEPs, diet, preparing for adulthood, and more.

newly diagnosed articles
As a parent of a newly diagnosed child, it is important to know that autism is treatable. There are many innovative traditional therapies, medical interventions, and therapeutic tools that will make a difference in your child’s life.

featured articles
medical articles
There are many co-occurring medical conditions common to autism. Finding and treating underlying medical issues can improve health and thereby, behavior, communication, and socialization. Combining medical treatment with targeted therapy provides the best outcome for your child.

education & skill development articles
Most children diagnosed with autism need educational and therapeutic support to maximize their skill development. To effectively advocate for your child, parents need to educate themselves on a variety of topics. This section contains articles that address education and skill development: therapeutic interventions, school law and procedures, and other ways to support your child.

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diet articles
Diet is the foundation of good health. According to TACA parents, dietary interventions are the top intervention for kids diagnosed with autism. Identifying and removing problematic foods, then replacing them with nutritious alternatives has the potential to improve not only health but also behavior.

teen & adult articles
Teens and adults diagnosed with autism have different needs. Below you will find articles to help you survive the teen years and get your young adult on the road to his or her future.

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home life articles
Managing a household requires more thought and planning when you have a child with autism. This section explores those additional needs with information related to safety, holidays, family relationships, budget and estate planning.

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autism checklists & downloads
When your loved one is diagnosed with autism, the task of managing their medical, therapeutic, and educational needs can seem overwhelming. Use these checklists, and access interactive, printable downloads to guide you on your path to supporting your child.

featured checklists & downloads
taca+ recorded webinars
Paid subscription that allows parents access to the very best autism information of recorded content and webinars from a variety of presenters.

featured taca+ recorded webinars clips
inspirational stories
Hope keeps us going. It fuels our hearts and lifts our spirits. Hope keeps us healthy and helps us heal. Therefore, we have collected stories of hope for your reading pleasure. In time, we know you will be able to share your own story of hope.

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taca autism workbook
The TACA Autism Workbook is an indispensable resource tailored for parents and caregivers of children with autism. Expertly crafted to assist you through the journey of autism care, this workbook is more than just a guide—it's a partner in navigating the intricacies and challenges unique to autism.