11:30AM - 12:30PMRegistration and Vendor Viewing
12:30PM - 1:25PMBalancing GABA and Glutamate to help OCD and Anxiety
with Anju Usman Singh, MD, FAAFP, FMAPS
Managing Complex Cases with Homeopathy and Other Modalities
with Jennifer Bahr, ND, DHANP
Maximizing the Autism Journey: Tips for Parents to Save Time, Money and Sanity for Optimal Results
with Lisa Ackerman
Living Your Best Life: Teaching Meaningful Skills for Harmony and Happiness at Home
with Adrienne Kessler, Ed D, BCBA
1:30PM - 2:30PMAutism & Healing: A Mother and Daughter's Experience
with Marley and Kelly Steffens
Candida, Yeast, Mold, and Parasites? Your Gut is SUS!
with Erica Smith and Jared Skowron, ND
Stress and Toxicity: How They Correlate and Practical Solutions to Improve Your Child's Health
with Lindsey Wells, ND
Building a Community with Communication Differences
with Darlene Hanson, MA-SLP
2:30PM - 3:00PMBreak and Vendor Viewing
3:00PM - 3:55PMReview of Biomedical Treatments in ASD with Up-to-Date New Research.
with Lanier Rossignol, FNP-C
Optimizing Health for Children with Autism: Essential Dietary Insights and Functional Medicine Lab Assessments
with Erica Peirson, ND
Microbiota Dysbiosis in Autism and Microbiota Transplant Therapy
with James B. Adams, PhD
Life After High School: Autism, Special Education & Transition Planning
with Tim Adams, Esq
4:00PM - 5:00PMRestorative Neurology in Autism and Rare Childhood Diseases using Advanced Brain Nutrition
with Dayan Goodenowe, PhD
Conservatorship and Alternatives for Persons with Autism
with Elizabeth McCoy, Esq
How To Be A Self-Advocate: One Autistic Individual's Story
with James Williams
Our Families Employment Success Story: Building Seesaw Coffee & Beans
with Soa Kang and Evan
6:30PM - 8:00PMFriday Night Welcome Event
Building Hope and Community: An Inspiring Evening for Parents to Connect

7:00AM - 8:30AM Registration and Vendor Viewing

8:30AM - 9:30AM
Brain Tools for Teens: Executive Function Strategies that Work
with Sarah Kesty, MA, BCASE
Autism Research Review
with Dan Rossignol, MD, FAAFP
Visual Problems Prevalent in Autism and Treatments Available
with Susan Daniel, OD
with Lindsey Wells, ND
9:30AM - 10:00AMBreak and Vendor Viewing

10:00AM - 10:55AM
Bad behaviors? Pulling hair, scratching arms, screaming lungs, living room jungle gyms? We got this!
with Jared Skowron, ND
Increasing Dopamine for Positive Behavior Outcomes
with Rebecca Jackson, DC
College Prep for Autistic Students
with Eric Endlich, PhD
Neuroinflammation in Autism: The Role of Superoxide and S-Nitrosylation
with Robert Miller, BCTN

11:00AM - 12:00PM
with Lindsey Wells, ND
Speech & Communication Specialists Panel
with Darlene Hanson, MA , SLP and Katie Anawalt, MS, CCC-SLP, ATS
Using Assessment to Drive your IEP Goals
with Damian Fragoso, Esq
Changing the Course of Autism Through Genetics Guidance
with Richard G. Boles, MD
12:00PM - 1:30PMBreak and Vendor Viewing
1:30PM - 2:30PMUnderstanding Profound Autism
with Judith Ursitti, CPA
MMP-9 Enzyme and Its Role in Brain Connectivity in Autism
with Theoharis C. Theoharides, BA, MS, MPhil, PhD, MD, FAAAAI

Empowering Connection and Communication: Supporting Gestalt Language Processors from Scripted to Self-Generated Language with Jasmine Bacon, MS, CCC-SLPUnderstanding and Securing Essential Services and Supports for your Child's IEP
with Mark Woodsmall, Esq
2:30PM - 3:00PMBreak and Vendor Viewing
3:00PM - 4:00PMKEYNOTE -
Netflix's Love on the Spectrum Panel featuring David Isaacman, Dani Bowman, and Steve Spitz, moderated by Elaine Hall.
4:00PM - 5:00PMLove on The Spectrum Meet and Greet/ Vendor Viewing
6:30PM - 8:00PMPhysicians Panel
with Dan Rossignol, MD, FAAFP, Julie Logan, DC, Anju Usman Singh, MD, FAAFP, FMAPS, Richard Frye, MD and Erica Pierson, ND

7:30AM - 8:30AMRegistration and Vendor Viewing

8:30AM - 9:25AM
Use Your Words! Focused Biomedical Interventions to Help Children Regain Speech
with Julie Logan, DC
Mom Matters, Too
with Desiree Probolsky
Research Updates and the CDR
with Robert K. Naviaux, PhD
Spellers Mini Series:
Efficacy Of Spellers Method for Patients Diagnosed with Intellectual Disability, Down Syndrome, and Autism
with Dawnmarie Gaivin, AT ACP, Spellers Method
9:30AM - 10:30AMSeizures and Case Studies of Common Biomedical Problems in Autism
with Brian Hauser, MD and Desiree Mills, BA, MSN, FNP-C
The Gut Microbiome: What We Know So Far
with Sabine Hazan, MD
Unlocking Sensory Success: Effective Strategies Beyond Sensory Diets
with Erin Clarelli, MS, OTR/L
Spellers Mini Series:
Blending Motor Planning with Neurodevelopmental Optometry to access spelled communication
with Dana Johnson, PhD, MS, OTR/L
10:30AM - 11:00AMBreak and Vendor Viewing
11:00AM - 12:00PMNourishing Autism: Food Matters
with Christa Robaina
with Richard Frye, MD
Changing How Autism is Diagnosed
with John Jay Gargus, Md,PhD
Spellers Mini Series: The Path Is Never Linear - Personal Stories of Triumph Plus a Vision for Your Nonspeaker’s Future
with A Panel of 5 Fluent Spellers
12:00PM - 1:30PMCash/Carry Lunch is offered at a discounted rate for conference attendees at the Hilton Orange County Hotel - Vendor Viewing
12:30PM - 1:00PMLunch and Learn Detoxification

With Terri Hirning from Ioncleanse by AMD
1:30PM - 2:25PMManaging Histamine and MCAS with Low Dose Allergy Therapy
with Darin Ingels, ND, FAAEM, FMAPS
Why Won't My Child Eat? Exploring the Intersection of Picky Eating, Constipation, Mouth Breathing, and Parasympathetic Nervous System Dysfunction
with Bri Kurcsak, MS, OTR/L
Transition to Adulthood - The SPED Adult Transition Process
with Scarlett K. vonThenen
Canine Companions Service Dogs
with Kate Incremona
2:30PM - 3:30PMIntegrative Approaches to Managing Comorbid Conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
with Michael J. Cameron, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA
Rhythm and Regulation: The Organizing Impact of Music on our Lives
with Michelle Welde Hardy, MM, MT-BC
Affordable Housing Options for Persons with Disabilities in Orange County, CA
with Scarlett K. vonThenen
Experiential Life Skills
with Erin Schirm
3:30PM - 4:00PMTACA’s Take-Home Tips: Inspiring Hope for Your Journey Ahead










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