
Category: Resource

Special Education: IEP Tips

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the foundation of your child’s education. Many parents feel overwhelmed and anxious about these…

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How to Document Your Child’s Progress

Your child works hard every day at school, therapy, and home. However, progress can be hard to see on a…

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Risk Reduction Strategies for Physical and Sexual Abuse

Sadly, individuals with autism are more vulnerable to abuse due to challenges in communication, poor social awareness, and being viewed…

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Keeping Your Kids with ASD Safe

Safety is a top priority to all parents. Having autism brings unique challenges to keeping our children safe and protected….

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Top Reasons to Implement a GFCF Diet

Why does my child need a Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet? There are several reasons why parents should consider a gluten-free, casein-free…

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I Think My Child May Have Autism: How to Get a Diagnosis

If you think your child has autism or your child is showing signs or symptoms of autism, it is important to…

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Therapeutic Interventions for Autism

Therapeutic interventions can help your child learn and develop skills that lead to independence. The most common therapeutic interventions for autism…

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Picky Eating and Autism

Kids with autism can be extremely selective when it comes to eating. An estimated 46–89% of children with autism spectrum disorder…

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Diagnostic Criteria for ASD

Only a well-qualified, trained medical professional can issue an autism diagnosis. When determining whether or not a person has autism,…

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