
Category: Resource

State Identification and Real ID

When a person turns 18, they need to obtain a state identification card. Typically, a person’s driver’s license serves as…

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Hope and Autism Parenting

As families coping with an autism diagnosis, our journey is fueled by education, support, and hope. Often as parents, we…

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Inclusive Practices for Employers

Inclusive Practices for Employers Create employment opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum with the goal of developing their confidence,…

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Detoxification and Autism

At first glance, many would think that autism and detoxication have nothing to do with one another. However, it has…

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Early Childhood Intervention and Individualized Family Service Plans

While the average age a child is diagnosed with autism is four years old, most children show developmental warning signs…

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Maximizing Time With Your Child's Doctor

Maximizing Time With Your Child’s Doctor

After you’ve carefully chosen a doctor and made an appointment, you may be wondering how to maximizing time with your child’s doctor….

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Autism and Bullying

Most parents worry about their child being bullied. While statistics vary across research studies, people with autism are undoubtedly victims of…

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Child Newly Diagnosed with Autism

When your child is newly diagnosed with autism, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. To help you navigate the first…

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Therapeutic and Communication Options for Speech Issues in Autism

Providing your child with an effective means to communicate their thoughts, opinions, experiences, feelings, and knowledge is essential to creating…

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Homeschooling Your Child with Autism

More parents of children with autism are opting to homeschool for a variety of reasons. In this article, you will…

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