

Medical Articles

There are many co-occurring medical conditions common to autism. Finding and treating underlying medical issues can improve health and thereby, behavior, communication, and socialization. Combining medical treatment with targeted therapy provides the best outcome for your child.


Beginning Medical Intervention

Underlying Medical Issues in Autism

Behavior is communication. Sometimes our kids with autism are communicating their medical issues to us through their behavior. Figuring out…

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Finding a Doctor

Finding a qualified and experienced doctor, though challenging, can make all the difference in your child’s health and future. Therefore,…

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Maximizing Time With Your Child's Doctor

Maximizing Time With Your Child’s Doctor

After you’ve carefully chosen a doctor and made an appointment, you may be wondering how to maximizing time with your child’s doctor….

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Lab Testing for Common Co-occurring Medical Issues in Autism

Lab testing is important because it helps doctors identify underlying medical issues as well as determine the best course for…

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Introduction to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Soy-Free Diet

The gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free (GFCFSF) diet removes all sources of gluten, casein, and soy from the diet. The word “diet”…

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Top Reasons to Implement a GFCF Diet

Why does my child need a Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet? There are several reasons why parents should consider a gluten-free, casein-free…

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Diagnostic Criteria for ASD

Only a well-qualified, trained medical professional can issue an autism diagnosis. When determining whether or not a person has autism,…

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American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Standard of Care for Autism

Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Susan L. Hyman, MD, FAAP, Susan E. Levy, MD, MPH,…

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An Introduction to Medical Interventions for Autism

Medical interventions for autism can greatly improve your child’s outcome and quality of life. In this article, we will discuss: Why…

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I Think My Child May Have Autism: How to Get a Diagnosis

If you think your child has autism or your child is showing signs or symptoms of autism, it is important to…

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Autism Treatment Methods

Autism is a complex disorder that may require more than one healing modality to achieve optimal health. There are numerous…

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Autism Treatment on a Budget

We understand that treating autism is extremely expensive. In this article, we will cover budget-friendly tips to treat autism.  This…

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Common Medical Issues

Medical Causes of Aggression in Autism

Several underlying medical issues, common to autism, can cause or contribute to aggressive behavior.  However, when these medical issues are…

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Anxiety in Autism

Anxiety is very common in autism. A meta-analysis showed that almost 40% of kids with autism have at least one comorbid anxiety…

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Cerebral Folate Deficiency in Autism

Folate (vitamin B9) is very important to brain development. Current research is revealing that many kids with autism have low…

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Constipation and Diarrhea in Autism (The Poop Page)

Autism and gastrointestinal problems go hand-in-hand for many kids. To demonstrate, a meta-analysis of several studies published by the Journal…

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Complex Gastrointestinal Issues in Autism

Complex gastrointestinal issues in autism require more complex action. When your child is still suffering despite dietary intervention, supplementation, and…

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Detoxification and Autism

At first glance, many would think that autism and detoxication have nothing to do with one another. However, it has…

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Symptoms we often associate with autism—such as anxiety, tics, and inattention—can be caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the…

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Lyme and Autism

Common Symptomatology Between Lyme and Autism When speaking with children who are chronically ill, it can be difficult to understand…

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Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism: Testing & Treatments

One of the most exciting areas of research in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is in the role of mitochondrial function. Research…

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PANDAS/PANS and Autism

Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders associated with Streptococcal Infections, or PANDAS, is a common autoimmune disorder with far-reaching movement, behavioral, and…

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Picky Eating and Autism

Kids with autism can be extremely selective when it comes to eating. An estimated 46–89% of children with autism spectrum disorder…

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Seizures are a significant concern in autism because of their high prevalence and association with increased mortality and morbidity among…

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Sleep Issues in ASD

Studies show that 53% percent of children with autism have at least one frequent sleep problem. Unfortunately, typical treatments are often short-lived…

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Medical Causes of Speech Issues in Autism

This article provides information about medical causes for speech issues in autism as well as treatment options. Please note: There…

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Yeast Overgrowth in Autism

Yeast overgrowth is a medical issue common to autism that can cause sleep disturbances, sensory issues, hyperactivity, picky eating, stimming,…

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Mast Cells and Autism

A mast cell is a type of white blood cell that is found in connective tissues all over the body,…

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Autism – More Than Genetics

Genetics is a complex science that is constantly evolving. Researchers continue to study the relationship between genetics and autism spectrum…

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Mold and Mycotoxins

Mold exposure can be a contributing factor to autism in some kids. This exposure can cause health concerns including allergy symptoms,…

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Methyl B12 for Autism

Research has shown that Methyl B12, also known as methylcobalamin, can help relieve symptoms of autism.   In the body, B12 assists…

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Hormone Regulation in Autism

When examining the behavioral symptoms of autism, it is important to consider all possible co-occurring medical conditions. Hormone regulation plays…

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Excess Ammonia in Autism

Ammonia is toxic to the human body. In fact, elevated ammonia in the body can cause brain fog, difficulty thinking,…

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Primitive Reflex Integration

Retained primitive reflexes can keep a child from reaching their full potential. Primitive reflex integration done with daily exercises can…

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Brain Health in Autism

Supporting brain health is important for everyone but especially our kids with autism. Research has shown that people with autism have unstable…

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Immune Dysfunction in Autism

The body’s immune system defends against infection and protects its own cells. However, research has shown that the immune system…

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Pica in Autism

Pica is the persistent eating or chewing of items that are not typically thought of as food and that do…

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The Gut-Brain Connection

There is good reason the gut is referred to as a person’s second brain. Over 70% of our immune system resides…

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Nutritional Deficiencies in Autism

There are numerous circumstances in which our kids diagnosed with autism have nutritional deficiencies. This can be due to restricted…

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High-Impact Medical Interventions for Autism 

There are medical treatments that are specifically impactful when treating autism symptoms, thus improving your child’s quality of life.  Using these…

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Effective Management of Sensory Processing Disorder in Autism

Let’s explore a range of therapeutic and medical interventions tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals facing sensory challenges….

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Additional Medical Topics


Puberty can be daunting for any teen. Physical changes, rapidly changing hormones, new routines for hygiene, and mood swings place…

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Avoiding Toxins

Accumulating evidence establishes a clear link between exposure to pollutants and chemicals with cognitive, motor, and sensory impairments. Scientists believe this is…

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Maximizing Time With Your Child's Doctor

Maximizing Time With Your Child’s Doctor

After you’ve carefully chosen a doctor and made an appointment, you may be wondering how to maximizing time with your child’s doctor….

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Sickness: Prevention and Treatment Options

Fall and winter bring colds, coughs, flu and gastrointestinal bugs. All undesirable illnesses that we diligently try to escape. Considering…

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Anesthesia and the Autistic Child

If your child is about to have surgery or needs a particular diagnostic procedure, such as a GI scope, their…

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Dental: Overview of Dental Filling Materials

Amalgam Amalgam is the least expensive material for filling a cavity. It is also very strong and durable. It is relatively easy…

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Autism

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has long been used for patients diagnosed with autism and other co-morbid medical issues. What is…

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Getting Kids to Take Vitamins and Medication

Kids with autism can be the pickiest eaters on the planet. As a result, this pickiness contributes to their vitamin and…

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Supporting a Healthy Pregnancy

Research tells us that if you have one child with autism, you have a 8.4 times higher risk of having a second…

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Virtual Support & Education Events

TACA offers monthly virtual parent support and family panel meetings where parents can connect with other autism parents…

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Mentor Program

For more individualized support, parents can be matched with an experienced and supported TACA Parent Mentor to help…

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Hope & Help for Autism Facebook Group

Hope & Help for Autismfacebook group A great place to find resources, support, help, and hope TACA’s private Facebook Group…

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Monthly Learning Series

Discover TACA Through Each Month’s Focus At TACA, we believe in providing comprehensive support and education to families touched by…

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TACA provides in-depth, comprehensive information and resources to help parents navigate all aspects of the autism…

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Communities & Family Events

TACA chapters across the US hold meetings, autism learning seminars, coffee talks, and family events…

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Virtual Support Hour

TACA offers a one-hour drop-in Zoom meeting where community members can ask questions and get connected to TACA’s programs and support.

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Annually, TACA hosts a parent conference featuring expert speakers from across the United States. Presentations focus…

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TACA provides national or regional scholarships as funding is available to assist in financing functional medicine doctors…

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Southern California Outreach

TACA’s national headquarters office is located in Irvine, California, and has the capacity to provide extended in-person resources…

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